Every life sends ripples along the continuum of our world. This spring, the English Lovers will invite one different guest...
They’re at it again! For decades, the Lovers have been tag-teaming their way through musical escapades. Tumbling from the...
Why are there reindeer, but no fogdeer? Where did Santa live before he moved to the North Pole? What’s...
It’s Friday night, it’s in the bar and it’s the English Lovers off the leash! What more could you...
The English Lovers return to Vienna’s legendary English Theatre to amaze, delight and surprise friends and fans old and...
After reading countless plays at the Radio Cafe, the Lovers have been invited to give an anniversary appearance, at which they will...
The English Lovers Unpack the Rat one last time* to pay tribute to the founding leader of the White...
Theater Drachengasse. In their ode to this great city, each night the English Lovers create urban images, stories and songs,...
What stories can be found within a picture? How might our perception of a photographic image be changed, if brought...
We Lovers are still staggered by the loss of our dear friend Klaus Erharter, whose music infused and inspired...